WORKSHOP DEMO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION 1. Assuming you have Apache 2 installed on the C: drive of your computer, extract MS_WORKSHOP.ZIP to C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs directory. It will create a subdirectory called "ms_workshop". If you have Apache 1.3.x, unzip MS_WORKSHOP.ZIP to C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs. Remember to replace "Apache2" with "Apache" when working with the examples. If you installed Apache in some other directory, I'm assuming you're experienced with web servers. Just extract MS_WORKSHOP.ZIP to your web root directory (htdocs). If you are using a different web server, extract MS_WORKSHOP.ZIP to your web server's web root directory. You are really on your own here as I wrote my workshop files using the default installation of Apache 2. 2. If you haven't done so, create a "tmp" subdirectory under the "htdocs" directory of your Apache installation. Make sure that you have read and write access to it. 3. Open the accompanying mum_workshop.doc or mum_workshop.sxw (OpenOffice/ StarOffice 6). This is the workshop "manual". Print it out, if you'd like. 3. If you haven't downloaded MapServer yet, go to win32binaries.html and download one of the available binaries. Read the installation instructions to install mapserv.exe and the required libraries. Alternatively, you can download MapServer binaries from http://www2.dmsolutions. ca/mapserver/dl/. This is your choice if you plan to download and work with the PHP/Mapscript demo files as well. Enjoy! Pericles S. Nacionales Conservation Biology Program University of Minnesota 24 June, 2003