I was presented in mid 2000 with the opportunity to provide a web-based interface
to the County's parcel data (told to do so).
The County has been using a commercial GIS package for parcel maintenance since
1993 and I had been concerned with the price of the maintenance contract and did not
wish to increase it.
We had already invested time and energy into an Open Source operating system
starting in 1995 and were well pleased.
So we set out on a fact finding mission to see what Open Source Web-Mapping
options existed.
While attending a conference in mid 2000 I learned of MapServer and Steve Lime's
email address (to his chagrin).
In mid 2001 (just before the online deadline) we loaded MapServer 3.3 and started
using PerlMapScript having seen Perl for the first time in late 2000.
In late 2001 I answered an invitation to compose the PerlMapScript Reference for 3.5.